
Dread Minotaur of Dawnfell

Created by Tabletop Outfitter

A D&D 5e adventure of 40+ pages featuring Dawnfell, the city of labyrinths for a party of 4-6 characters of levels 3-5. Digital/VTT tabletop maps, combat cards, paper miniatures, and a GM friendly format are all included!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Dread Minotaur Shipping
14 days ago – Mon, Sep 02, 2024 at 05:47:48 PM

This is our fourth crowdfunding campaign and our first shipping snafu. Sorry, I was hoping to have all orders shipped by today.
We have shipped every pledge that did not include the poster maps. Unfortunately I received the wrong sized shipping boxes for the poster maps and am expecting a the right sized boxes to arrive this coming Friday. Provided we get the correct boxes on time, the rest of the orders should be mailed out next week.

If you haven't had a chance to check out our latest crowdfunding project it is going on right now. Click here to check out Cult of the Gnoll Lord.

Physical Rewards Shipping and New Project: Cult of the Gnoll Lord and Savage Adventures 5E
27 days ago – Tue, Aug 20, 2024 at 03:51:50 AM

We have started shipping rewards for Dread Minotaur of Dawnfell and intend to have all of them shipped by the end of the month. 
Please check out our newest project now live on Kickstarter! Without you Savage Adventures 5E Volume 1 would not exist today. It is a collection of our adventures and includes 30% new material including bonus content, encounters, optional campaign setting, and more.

Pledge within the first 3 days and save on our Early Bird Specials! 

$1 One Shot: Cult of the Gnoll Lord & Savage Adventures 5e Volume 1
about 1 month ago – Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 03:13:52 AM

Hello amazing backers! 
Thank you so much for your support. I wanted to let you know that we have an amazing project getting ready to launch soon. Without the support of the crowdfunding community and backers such as you these projects would not exist. 
With you in mind, we have some truly great Early Bird Specials for those who back Cult of the Gnoll Lord or Savage Adventures 5e Volume 1 within the first 3 days!
Gabe Degel

Digital Rewards Sent and Last Days for Late Pledges
about 1 month ago – Sat, Aug 03, 2024 at 05:22:01 AM

Only Days Left for Late Pledges and Preorder Store Orders
If you have followed the project and have not backed it you still have a few days left to order from the preorder store!

Digital files distributed today, except Foundry VTT

Today we have sent out all of the digital files except Foundry VTT for Dread Minotaur of Dawnfell. We are putting the final touches on the Foundry VTT but are expecting it within a week. We will send an email when that is ready for download.

Physical Rewards
We have the map packs, art prints, book marks, stickers, and are just waiting for our shipment of books to arrive. We anticipate mailing all physical rewards by the end of August.
If you haven’t answered your survey yet, we’ll still receive your information but your shipment may be delayed.

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at


Thanks everyone for your support! After we finish sending the rewards for Dread Minotaur we will have some exciting news coming soon about our next endeavor. If you like adventures with gnolls or cultists you won't want to miss our next campaign: Cult of the Gnoll Lord!

Gabe Degel
Tabletop Outfitter

Late Pledges, Preorder Store, and Last Call for Order Updates!
3 months ago – Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 03:57:38 AM

Late Pledges and Preorder Store

If you have followed the project and have not backed it you still have time to order from the preorder store!

Last Call for Order Updates

The last day to make final updates to your order is 6-29-24. After this date, we will lock your reward selections and charge cards for add-on item purchases, pledge upgrades, and pre-orders. You can update your shipping address up until we lock addresses for shipping.

If you haven’t answered your survey yet, if you fill out your BackerKit survey or pay for extra shipping after the 7-31-24 order due date, we’ll still receive your information but your shipment may be delayed.

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at


Thank you all again for being so responsive to answering our BackerKit survey—even though it may not seem like much as an individual backer, you have no idea how tremendously helpful this has been for me when trying to keep track of all 178 of you!

Thanks everyone for your support!

Gabe Degel
Tabletop Outfitter